Thursday 6 January 2011

Mixmag Double Page Spread Analysis

Mixmag have a double page spread in the magazine which is about "The Mixmag Tour". This is labelled in huge letters taking up just under half of the double page, this may seem like a waste of space but I think it simply states how important this is to the audience of Mixmag. Underneath the title there is a picture of 2 men who are the hosts of the tour, they have a small box of information about them underneath as well. One man has a speech bubble coming out of his mouth which includes the dates of the tour and where they are taking place, also the acts who are performing are included too.

On the 2nd page there are 5 information boxes of acts such as Jack Beats, Fatboy Slim, Vitalic, DJ Zinc and The Count & Sinden. This includes Photos of the acts and their names written in a funky style with an explanation mark after each name too inform the reader how famous they are. There is a small piece of writing encouraging the reader to read the boxes of info and find out about the tour, this says "And so it begins. The biggest, baddest and best club tour in history is back. Join us as we smash winter 2010 into a quivering pulp". This could also be used to encourage the reader to buy tickets to the tour, even if they'e been to lasts years tour or if this is their first time.

I like the style of writing for the Acts names and the bright colours that Mixmag have used for these 2 pages, I'm thinking of doing something similar to this Dps but with my own twist and obviously different topics.

Mixmag Contents Page Analysis

There was no contents page in the Mixmag magazine that I had purchased, instead there is a page which tells the readers about upcoming events. The information includes the event sponsers, the date of the event, the prices and the acts which will be performing. Also there is a background of the Godskitchen logo.

I'm not sure why there isn't a contents page for the magazine because there normally is in other issues.

My Masthead Analysis

My Masthead is black writing with a white background and a thin red underlining underneath. The letters have patterns inbedded in them so it's looks funky and appealing, all the letters are capitals so that im masthead stands out.
I am not sure whether to experiment using different background colours to make the masthead stand out even more but I don't want it to look too much like a young teenagers magazine. I am keeping the writing black because it looks mature and sophisticated for the older part of the age range for my magazine.

Vibe Masthead Analysis

The Vibe masthead is very plain with the background being white and the letters being bold black. The letters are bold so that the masthead stands out to the reader.
I have taken the idea of the writing for the my masthead to be bold because I want my audience to notice my magazine easily in the shops. Also this shows that my magazine would look more adult and sophisticated.

Mixmag Masthead Analysis

The Masthead looks very modern due to the style of the letters. Just looking at the masthead of Mixmag you can tell it's more appropriate for a mature teenager or a young adult. The letters are white with a pink background, normally the background would be whatever the central dominant image would be on the front cover.
This has influenced my idea for my masthead because i want mine to look mature for the age group of my magazine. I have not taken the idea of having white letters, i think this looks too plain.

Research The Market and Quick Analysis - The Vibe Magazine

Vibe Lifestyle Network is the parent company of Vibe Magazine and and is the premier destination of the hip hop generation. Vibe Lifestyle Network represents over 25 sites and reaches over 19 million unique users per month. The new Vibe is the premier destination for urban music, entertainment, culture and lifestyle for the aspirational 18-34 year old.

Editor - Jermaine Hall
Frequency - Quarterly
Publisher - Intermedia Partners
Circulation - 800, 000
First Issue (Launched) - 1993
Brand Extentions - Online, Awards, Books, Talk Show, Vibe on demand, Vibefilm and MVibe

Quick Analysis

Colours and Font size:
The colours range from grey, white, black, red, orange and yellow. The reason for this magazine being so colourful is so that when in shops, people will notice the magazine a lot easier when browsing through magazines.
The Main image:
The main image is of Janet Jackson, it's a strong image because of the way she's standing, wat she's wearing and how she is smiling to show her expressions for the photo. The colours aren't very appealing but it shows an old sophisticated look of an old style of what artists used to look like.
The Content:
The front cover includes a lot of writing, mostly about stories that you can read if you buy the magazine. These stories are in yellow writing which makes them more noticable to the audience, also this could engage the audience so that it's the first thing they see on the cover.
The Layout:
The layour of the front cover has been done well because it is styled so that it seems as if the central dominant image is popping out of the cover, this is done by the way part of the masthead is hidden behind Janet Jacksons head.
The Tone:
The magazine feels different to other issues that Vibe have done before but this is because this issue is more fun than normal. Most of the issues produced by Vibe look professional and mature, whereas this cover looks much more revealing, this is partly done by the way Janet Jackson looks.

Aim of my Magazine

My magazine is going to be called Hip Drop Beatz and the genre is a cross between hip hop and dupstep music. This is a good idea for a magazine because this genre of music is popular to my age group at the moment and i can get a lot of ideas from people around me. My magazine would be a monthly magazine, this is better because I can include a lot more information in the magazine and given that it's produced every month, i can get people to tell me what they want to see in the next issue.